Instagram: @declarationsofafangirl
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Tour & Giveaway: A Beast So Beautiful by Carlyle LaBuschagne

Friday, March 12, 2021
Tour & Giveaway: Marked for Death by Becca Blake
Tour & Giveaway: Dog Girl by Gabi Justice
by: Gabi Justice
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1951710053?tag=&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1
B & N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dog-girl-gabi-justice/1137266628?ean=9781951710057
Target: https://www.target.com/p/dog-girl-by-gabi-justice-paperback/-/A-81646408#lnk=sametab
About the Author:
Gabi Justice is the author of
Dog Girl, her teen and young adult contemporary romance debut set to publish in
the fall of 2020. She is the mom to three dogs and one stray cat named Luna
Buna. She lives in Florida with her husband and children. You’d be hard-pressed
to find a tennis court in the state that she hasn’t visited, having three
competitive junior players in the family. She spent most of her adult life
writing editorial copy for local magazines after graduating from the University
of South Florida. Florida provides the settings for all her coming-of-age
stories that highlight bullying, misjudgment, acceptance, and teen anxiety. Her
main characters are goal-oriented teenage girls with a drive that can be fierce
and dangerous.
Author Links:
Website: https://www.gabijustice.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabijustice/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yagabijustice
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20495013.Gabi_Justice
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gabi_justice
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Havoc by Mary Lindsey
(Haven #2)
Mary Lindsey
Release Date - 4/5/2021
Entangled Teen
For the first time in his life, Rain Ryland
belongs. He’s found a home with the wolf shifters of New Wurzburg and is
no-holds-barred in love with Friederike Burkhart, their soon-to-be alpha. But
the ascension to power is never easy for a new alpha, and challengers will come
from an unlikely source—and bring into jeopardy not just Freddie’s position as
alpha but her blooming relationship with Rain. Rain has never shied away from a
challenge—or a fight. And he’s ready to fight like hell for the woman he loves.
But then a vision shows him that the biggest challenge of all to Freddie isn’t
to her alpha status but against her life...and he’s the one who delivers the
killing blow.
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3sXsigq
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=9781640634183&c=books
About the Author:
Inexplicably, her favorite animal is the giant anteater and at one point, she had over 200 "pet" Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. The roaches are a long story involving three science-crazed kids and a soft spot for rescue animals. The good news is, the "pet" roaches found a home... somewhere else.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/marylindsey
Website: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/authors/240410/mary-lindsey/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maryl_marissac
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marylindseybooks
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryl_marissac
Tour created by YA Bound Book Tours
Blitz & Giveaway: The Warrior King by Abigail Owen
The Warrior King
Abigail Owen
(Inferno Rising #3)
Published by: Entangled: Amara
Publication date: March 9th 2021
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Meira Amon is the most reserved of the phoenixes, finding computers easier to deal with than people and their messy emotions. But she wants revenge against the Rotting King Pytheios for the murder of her parents just as much as her sisters. Offering herself as a queen for their ally, dragon shifter King Gorgon of the Black Clan, only makes sense.
Just one problem…
Samael Veles worked his lowborn ass off to become the fiercest warrior of the Black Clan. He has pledged his life to protect his king at all costs. Yet somehow, in the middle of war, he took one look at a woman in a reflection and gave up his heart. When that woman turns out to be the phoenix promised to mate his king and help bring peace to their kind, he has no choice but to accept it.
Until her fire unexpectedly destroys the king after they’ve wed. Now Samael must choose between his loyalty to his clan and protecting the queen who might be his mate from his people’s wrath, one of which will unlock a destiny no one could have ever imagined…
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No. Gods, don’t let this happen.
Meira tried to get closer to Gorgon, tried to take it back, to pull her fire back into herself. Bile stung her throat, blending with the vomit-inducing stench of burning flesh. The king stared back with shocked, awful, horror-filled eyes as her flames consumed him. He fell to his knees, and she could see him fighting the flames, his own black fire flaring out like sunspots only to be devoured by the red gold of her own fire in an instant.
One kiss was all it had taken.
They hadn’t even gotten to the undressing part, let alone the sex part. She’d turned on her flames and he’d kissed her lightly, so sweet. Except then he jerked back, a silent howl of pain contorting his features.
Already his bronze skin had turned charred before cooling to gray. Other parts continued to burn, glowing bright embers, and parts of him were sifting to ash. Like her mother in that field all alone.
“No, no, no,” Meira cried, hardly aware of the words pouring from her mouth.
She fell to her knees beside him, reaching in past the flames, which didn’t hurt her, to take his hand, already ashy against hers. “I’m so sorry. I’m here. Look at me.”
His eyes, already solid gray, shifted in his face as if searching. Could he see her? “I won’t let you die alone.”
A thunderous thud rattled the door. Samael.
By this time, most of the body had turned to ash.
Another slam against the door, this one causing a crack to appear in the thick wood. “Let me in!” Samael shouted, his voice muffled.
Meira forced herself to her feet. Her hands were shaking so hard, it took three tries for her to manage to unlock the door. She jumped back in time to get out of the way as Samael slammed it open. The door hit the wall behind with such force it embedded in the rock, small fragments of wood and stone falling to the floor, the gritty sound loud in the sudden silence as the man on the floor finished disintegrating and the fire disappeared all at the same time.
Samael ran to the heap of burned flesh and knelt beside it, he ran his fingers through the dust and ash then made a fist, seeming to grasp for control.
He won’t hurt me.
Meira shouldn’t be sure of that. He was Gorgon’s captain and would believe what his eyes were telling him. That she’d killed his king, the man he was sworn to protect.
“What have you done?” Samael asked in a low voice.
Hands to her mouth, Meira could only shake her head in horror. Was he asking her? Or asking his king?
Samael turned his head to spear her with a dark gaze full of rage, his fire sparking, like looking into an abyss that was reaching out for her. “What. Have. You. Done?”
No mistaking those growled words were directed her way. “It’s—” She had to stop and swallow around a throat so dry it felt coated in dust. Coated in a nameless man’s ashes. “It’s not—”
Samael bolted to his feet, crossing the room in two long strides, backing Meira up against the rock wall of the cavern the suite was carved from. “Don’t you dare say it’s not your fault.”
She should be terrified. This man had every right to kill her here and now. She’d heard many of Ladon’s men speak in hushed tones of respect about Samael’s skills when it came to killing. A rational person would be cowering and begging for her life.
But part of her she didn’t know even existed refused to be that woman. Not in front of him.
Samael’s emotions, released from their bonds, swirled and eddied around her like a riptide—anger, grief, blame. And one other, above all others. Protectiveness.
Author Bio:
Multi-award-winning paranormal romance author, Abigail Owen, loves plots that move hot and fast, feisty heroines with sass, alpha heroes with heart, a dash of snark, and oodles of sexy shifters! Other titles include wife, mother, Star Wars geek, ex-competitive skydiver, spreadsheet lover, Dr. Seuss quoter, eMBA, organizational guru, Texan, Aggie, and chocoholic.
Abigail grew up consuming books and exploring the world through her writing. She attempted to find a practical career related to her favorite pastime by earning a degree in English Rhetoric (Technical Writing). However, she swiftly discovered that writing without imagination is not nearly as fun as writing with it.
Abigail currently resides in Austin, Texas, with her own personal hero (who she totally married!) and their two children, who are growing up way too fast.
Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Newsletter / Pinterest / Bookbub
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Wednesday, March 10, 2021
New Release & Giveaway: City of Spells by Alexandra Christo
City of Spells
Alexandra Christo
(Into the Crooked Place #2)
Published by: Feiwel & Friends
Publication date: March 9th 2021
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
City of Spells, the follow-up to Alexandra Christo’s gritty YA fantasy, Into the Crooked Place, finds the world on the brink of war and four unlikely allies facing sacrifices they had never imagined.
After the loss of Wesley and the horrifying reveal that Zekia is helping the Kingpin of her own free will, Tavia, Saxony, and Karam flee to Saxony’s home to rebuild their rebellion. Meanwhile, trapped in the Kingpin’s darkness, Wesley must fight against the deadly magic that invades his mind and find a way back to his friends before it’s too late.
As the Kingpin’s dark magic spreads and his army conquers Creije, these four unlikely friends have to decide just how far they’ll go—and how much they are willing to sacrifice—to win.
Praise for Into the Crooked Place:
“With its gangland details, creative magical caste system and surprisingly brutal characters, Into the Crooked Place is very much its own thing. And that thing will likely be a story you can’t put down.” —Culturess
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play
Karam stepped forward, her skillfully embroidered clothes cascading down to her ankles in a way that was almost delicate, and so very much the opposite of Karam. Even from where Tavia stood, she could smell the peppermint salve on her friend’s sliced knuckles, something the fighters in Creije loved to use to soothe their injuries and that Karam wore every day, just in case.
“I thought we agreed that you were going to stop being stupid,” Karam said, Wrenyi accent thick on her tongue.
“I didn’t agree to anything,” Tavia said. “Did you follow me here?”
Karam crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you complaining about me saving you?”
“I don’t need saving.” Tavia leaned back in the booth. “I’m a busker, not a damsel.”
Nolan looked between them with a disbelieving scoff. “Are you two finished?” he asked. “Because we were about to kill her.”
For the first time, Karam looked at him, as if she had only just realized— or cared—that he was there.
“We have not been introduced,” she said.
“No,” Nolan said. “We haven’t.”
Karam held out a hand. “Hello,” she said.
And then she used that hand to grab ahold of Nolan’s shoulder and pull him toward her.
Without warning, Karam cracked her head against his.
The buskers broke into a frenzy as Nolan stumbled back, clutching his bloody nose. Quickly, Karam landed a kick to one of the others.
Tavia jumped up from the booth just as Nolan regained his footing, smashing a glass from a nearby table over his head. She shifted the backpack on her shoulder and landed a kick to another busker’s knee.
He went down with a yelp.
“This is why I had to follow you,” Karam said.
She kicked a busker in the chest and as he bent over to catch his breath, she rolled across his back and punched another clean in the face.
“You are so reckless.”
Tavia sighed at the lecture, which was becoming Karam’s specialty these days.
“If you were so worried about my safety, then you could have helped me take Nolan down back in the streets before his buddies showed up,” Tavia said. She swung her fist into the air, catching the cheek of a nearby busker, just the way Karam had taught her.
Karam took out her knife and threw it into the shoulder of another. “I thought you did not need saving,” she said.
Tavia rolled her eyes and kneed one of Nolan’s friends in the groin. “Forget making it slow!” Nolan yelled, pulling out a knife. “I’m going to gut you where you stand.”
Tavia shook her head. “He really does like being graphic,” she said to Karam.
She reached into her pocket for a pair of mirrored glasses and slipped them onto her nose, like she had seen Wesley do a dozen times.
“Here,” she said to Karam. “Put these on.”
Tavia clutched the charm in her hand, its jagged edge spiking into her palm like tiny needles. “A way to show that if there’s one thing I have,” she said, “it’s style.”
She pulled Karam toward the door, where the customers were now blindly running and screaming as their vision temporarily disappeared.
“Not really,” Tavia said, struggling to keep up with her pace. “I think I’d find it boring.”
She didn’t need to look at Karam to know that she was rolling her eyes, but Tavia felt invigorated. She had the magic she ’d come for, so all in all the trip to the city had been a roaring success. And with the warm breeze on her neck and fire of victory in her belly, Tavia felt like maybe all hope wasn’t quite lost.
Author Bio:
Alexandra Christo decided to write books when she was four and her teacher told her she couldn't be a fairy. She has a BA in Creative Writing and works as a copywriter in London, both of which make her sound more grown up than she feels. When she's not busy making up stories, she can be found buying far too many cushions and organizing food crawls all over the city. Alexandra currently lives in Hertfordshire with an abundance of cacti (because they're the only plants she can keep alive).
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Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Blitz & Giveaway: Lost in Nowhere by Barbara Pietron
Lost in Nowhere
Barbara Pietron
(Legacy in Legend, #3)
Publication date: April 20th 2021
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult
Jeni has fully accepted her spiritual ability, and yet she’s unnerved by the apparition of Marielle, the ghost of a pioneer girl asking for help. As the ghost’s tragic love story unfolds in her dreams, Jeni’s resistance melts and she resolves to save the soul of Marielle’s lost love. When she discovers her own impulses cause Marielle to act uncharacteristically, Jeni believes she can change the past. Despite warnings against meddling with time, Jeni’s convinced she can save the soul of Marielle’s lover. Deep inside a dream and intent on her quest, Jeni is lured into a trap that binds her soul to Marielle’s. With no allies, no knowledge about crossing through time and with limited 18th century resources, Jeni is terrified: failure will leave her soul trapped in the past, or worse . . . lost in nowhere.
Goodreads / Amazon / B&N / iBooks / Kobo
Ice reached for the teardrop-shaped planchette. It was about the size of his palm and had a hole in the middle. When Jeni’s fingers rested across from his, they stared at each other, waiting for something to happen.
“Since you haven’t done this before, you might want to circle around the Ouija board allowing the momentum to take on a life of its own,” the medium prompted. “Use a very light touch.”
They followed her advice, gliding the wooden piece smoothly over the board.
A few moments later, the medium said, “Go ahead and ask if she’s here.”
Jeni closed her eyes, presumably thinking about the girl in the legend, since that was their theory on how and why the spirit appeared to her. After a minute or so, remembering the instruction sheet, Ice said, “We invite only good spirits to talk with us.” Then he asked, “Is there a spirit here?”
The planchette moved immediately, nearly jerking from beneath their fingers, startling Ice when it moved to the alphabet.
Scraping sounds filled the small room as the wooden piece trundled across the heavy cardboard. “H… E… L… P.”
Jeni’s eyes had snapped open when the planchette began moving, and Ice could feel the weight of her stare.
“What is your name?” he asked.
Again, the disc glided over the alphabet. “M,” Ice said. “A… R… I… E.” It continued to move. “L… L… E.”
“Marielle?” He exchanged a glance with Jeni as the planchette slid to “Yes.” Then he asked, “Are you the girl from the Kaskaskia legend?”
The piece twitched, but remained on the Yes.
Checking on Jeni, Ice was glad to see she looked more fascinated than freaked out. He felt no animosity from the presence and his rapidly beating heart was beginning to calm. “What do you need help with?”
A long scrape brought the planchette back to the alphabet. “S… A… V… E… M… Y… L… O… V… E.”
“Who is your love?” Ice asked.
“A… M… A… K… A… P… A.”
Feeling confident that they knew who they were actually talking to, Ice asked, “Do you need help crossing to the other side?”
The planchette slid toward the moon on the right corner of the board and rested briefly on “No.” Then it went back to the alphabet: “H… E… I… S… N… O… W… H… E… R… E.”
Frowning, Ice looked first at Jeni, then at the medium. “He’s not on the other side?”
The disc returned to “No.”
“Is that why you haven’t crossed over?”
Their fingers followed the shuffle of the wooden piece to “Yes.”
Ice thought for a moment about his next question and came up with, “Why do you think we can help you?”
This time the planchette moved to the center of the board, between the Yes and No. It twisted under their fingers causing Ice and Jeni to hold their arms in a contorted position. When it stopped, the narrow end of the teardrop pointed at Jeni.
Her eyes widened. In the smallest voice, Jeni asked, “Is it pointing at me?”
Ice asked, “You think Jeni can help you?”
The indicator shifted left to “Yes,” then continued to spell out: “S… H… E… K… N… O… W… S.”
Jeni flinched, deep creases forming on her brow. She drew her lips into a pucker.
Reading her confusion, Ice asked, “What does she know that will help you?”
Author Bio:
Having a love for witches and vampires before they were trendy, Barbara gravitates toward stories with supernatural elements both when she reads and when she writes. Although classified as young adult, her books are enjoyed by a wide audience--pre-teen through adult.
Barbara's novel Thunderstone was awarded 2013 Book of the Year Finalist status by Forward Reviews and before it was published, Thunderstone was a quarter-finalist in the 2012 Amazon Breakout Novel Award contest, winning a review by Publisher's Weekly.
When she's not writing, Barbara works in a library where she's tortured by all the books she has yet to read. She's a cult fan of the movies Labyrinth and Nightmare Before Christmas and a fan of all things Tim Burton. Barbara lives in Royal Oak, Michigan with her husband, daughter and a cat that often acts like a dog.
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Sunday, March 7, 2021
Tour & Giveaway: The Stolen Kingdom by Jillian Boehme
to Goodreads
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a Signed Copy Here!
I pushed my back against the door until it latched behind me, facing my father at all times—another royal requirement. He regarded me with mild interest—the best I could hope for—as I approached him. His silk robe was encrusted with a ridiculous number of gemstones that winked in the light of the candelabras sitting at either end of the desk. The crown resting on his pale blond head was a mute reminder of his station. I swore he slept in it.